I love living in a motorhome. I love the places it can take me and which I can then call 'home' for the night. But it's more than that. I love the simplicity. I like the fact that everything has a place and that we can't hoard too much stuff. I love that a motorhome gives us the opportunity to be so close to nature and yet still have some comforts - my own bed but I can sleep with the window open - even in winter - and see the stars!
The past 6 years have completely changed me from who I thought I was expected to be to more in align with what makes me filled with enthusiasm and joy. Being one to always push myself to do what was expected, namely get a good career, make money, pay bills; I was in desperate need to slow down and learn what it meant to look after myself. Cheesecake, pizza and late nights juggling 3 jobs were not the way to health and happiness. Ending up 30kg overweight, friends not recognising me, high blood pressure and finally a virus which later lead to a ME/CFS breakdown, frazzling my nervous system should have been enough of a warning sign but no I still pushed on and on. It took the shock of being told to say my goodbyes to Dan before he was wheeled into emergency surgery at 3am and not knowing if he'd make it through the night that made me vow to make changes.
So setting off in 2014, yes I was excited about the travel, but I was excited about finding a new way of life. I'd always had this feeling there was more to me and more to life. I've discovered I like doing things I never dreamed I thought I would be capable of because I was too scared. Slowly, one onion layer at a time, I'm releasing my fears and enjoy challenging myself and pushing my boundaries but in a sustainable and joy-filled way. I've learnt about self-care and self-love, terms that had never been in my vocabulary. It's still taken a few hard lessons, several big reminders but now it's a daily practice of learning to listen to myself, my own needs and my own rhythm.
I wake up every morning now and say 'I'm grateful for my life!' and 'I wonder where the adventure will take us today?' Yes challenging and unexpected things still happen, often on a daily basis and yes we still need to shop, do the laundry, fill in tax returns etc. Yet riding the waves seems smoother the more we've travelled and the more we've simplified our life. Like the mountains I so love climbing.... Sometimes we're going up and sometimes, we need to come down but it's all good, it's all an adventure, as long as I don't resist. I don't know where this adventure will take me but I'm excited to find out.....
Dan's great with words but I love pictures so here goes....
I love Dan.... 18 years so far... We're a great team... Not always perfect but we are both totally committed... I'm an incredible lucky woman... I will literally follow him anywhere....
I always say I love him because he takes me to all the best restaurants.... I love him because he encourages me to do things I didn't think I was capable of and keeps pushing me to follow my dreams. He loving helps me push my boundaries. And he also forces me to be honest to myself; see where I'm holding myself back or where I need to change, grow-up and let go of the past.
I love nature and spending time outdoors.... I love feeling in rhythm with the day, the month and the seasons. I love it being warm and sunny; I love the cold, rain and snow!

I like mountains and going up high; following Dan higher and higher and challenging myself.... I can't explain it but I really love spending time near glaciers; there just something so mystical about them....
I like moving my body. I like cycling, hiking, trail running, even just going to a spin or exercise class!
I love adventures, particularly thru-hiking and wild-camping..... So much so that after 6 weeks with Dan in Summer 2019, I then carried on for a further 4 weeks with 2 dogs along across the Pyrenees!
I love yoga and meditation..... They ground me.
I'm committed to keeping myself honest with my spiritual practices.
I love photography. I tried taking a course but for me it's just about trying to capture and so be able to share the joy something has given me....
Dan's right my favourite colour is 'multi-colour'! Maybe after years and years of black suits or otherwise branded kit, I've found a love for colours! My funky tops and orange yoga trousers make quite an impression.....
I love healthy living and cooking... And seeing how much my body and mind respond to wholefoods, plant-based nutrition and also juices! I love a good market....supporting local farmers and supporting an organic food system. I've enjoyed learning to make my own toothpaste and cleaning products! Currently I'm enjoying learning more about Ayurveda....
I was born with eczema and spent weeks in hospital and it meant during my school years I was bullied. For years and years I've had an issue with my body image yet now I've turned that around for good!
So I have less of an issue about looking silly, more than happy to express my joy and to roll out a yoga mat in a crowded place! I like music and love to dance, even just on my own...
In 2020 I need to do more dancing!
I love play.... I'm not too old for toys!
So I have less of an issue about looking silly, more than happy to express my joy and to roll out a yoga mat in a crowded place! I like music and love to dance, even just on my own...
In 2020 I need to do more dancing!
I love animals. Whether grazing animals or wild, I like seeing them explore and be free in nature.
But I also love giving the dozens of rabbits and hamsters we looked after of our own and whilst volunteering at rescue shelters a second chance. So it felt only natural when Spanish stray Leela crossed our path to try and help.... There was something about her., not what we expected but then what is.... It turned out she was pregnant!
I love my family and meeting new people..... sharing ideas and stories... you can learn so much.
I like listening to others and to help when and where I feel I can...
Sometimes someone just needs feel heard.
I know how important my afternoon relaxations are for my health.... And the dogs are good teachers!
I like trying new things....
And currently.... I'm trying to write a book....
Dan's explained that his scare gave us the kick in the bum that we so very much needed to change our life and start living some of our dreams. I'd always wanted to travel but been too scared to try alone so instead I went off to University which is where I met Dan. Oxford University was a wonderful opportunity for me but I ended up sacrificing my passions for sport (particularly rowing for Junior Great Britain team) and exploring the outdoors. What followed was a decade of more study (Masters degree), working (Durham and Cambridge University, starting my own business, paying of bills, juggling jobs, self-employment and much more. There were the many good times too. Trips to the seaside, Lake District, evenings with friends, family visits to Holland and games of cards. But not knowing any different, I followed the crowd and got busy trying to carve out a career for myself. As I said at some point I contracted a virus, that I didn’t fully respect and didn’t fully recover from. My body took the hit and I paid the price for all the over-doing and over-giving. I was diagnosed with M.E. / CFS in late 2013. Recovery was slow and painful. But all that suffering has made me recognise how important looking after myself is if I want to live a long, joyful life and contribute to making this world a better place. I've truly learnt the meaning of "put your own gas mask on first before helping others".
The more I spend outside in nature and the more time I spend with animals, the clearer it is that there are natural rhythms. The more I fall in line with these, the more I can get the best out of my body. And now I'm finding out all these things I have so much passion for I need to look after my one and only true 'home', my best friend, my body. The fact I frazzled my nervous system means I have to look after myself more than others. But I'm very grateful now for the fact my body is so very sensitive and quick to tell me (painfully) when I've started to go off track. It's my beautiful barometer, as are the dogs, to tell me when it's time to stop, rest and look after me!
I love my life... I'm grateful for Dan's near-death shock. I love our motorhome adventure life....
I love my body and seeing what it's capable of.....
I'm excited to see what's next.....
I'm not afraid anymore of what I can do and who I am.....
I want to share what I'm learning to help others....
Dan recently shared this song with me from the Greatest Showman.... And I'm singing it loud... so look out for here I come....
The more I spend outside in nature and the more time I spend with animals, the clearer it is that there are natural rhythms. The more I fall in line with these, the more I can get the best out of my body. And now I'm finding out all these things I have so much passion for I need to look after my one and only true 'home', my best friend, my body. The fact I frazzled my nervous system means I have to look after myself more than others. But I'm very grateful now for the fact my body is so very sensitive and quick to tell me (painfully) when I've started to go off track. It's my beautiful barometer, as are the dogs, to tell me when it's time to stop, rest and look after me!
I love my life... I'm grateful for Dan's near-death shock. I love our motorhome adventure life....
I love my body and seeing what it's capable of.....
I'm excited to see what's next.....
I'm not afraid anymore of what I can do and who I am.....
I want to share what I'm learning to help others....
Dan recently shared this song with me from the Greatest Showman.... And I'm singing it loud... so look out for here I come....
Dear Esther,
ReplyDeleteI hope you're safe and will be found soon to carry on with your adventure
Very moving words. You are completely in my thoughts today, and I am hoping for the best sort of news. Namaste.
ReplyDeletePraying for Esther's safe return...
ReplyDeleteA beautiful blog by a beautiful soul. I hope you are found soon wherever you are.
ReplyDeleteBonjour Dan ! Sache que tu n'es pas tout seul dans ton attente de revoir Esther car son blog me montre combien elle est une personne riche de coeur et d'émotions. J'ai parcouru moi-même seul les Pyrénées pendant des années dans des randonnées souvent de plusieurs semaines et cela en complète autonomie. Aussi je partage le bel enthousiasme d'Esther à vivre ainsi en pleine nature dans l'émerveillement et la joie de la découverte... Avec toi dans cette attente de la revoir vite faire surface !