As I've
mentioned in several other posts, in past years I've not been as big a fan of running as Dan. However over the last few months I've more and more been enjoying the experience of joining him in lacing up our trainers and getting out to explore local trails in France and Spain. So now that we are back in Britain and keeping up with the running (in preparation for something we have planned and will write more about shortly) it has given me the opportunity to appreciate more fully the joys of running in the British countryside. There has been something really special about getting out, depsite the cold and drizzle, in the fresh early morning air or during the early evening just as the light is fading over the rolling green countryside. It's been wonderful to run through fields, parks and woodlands seeing the many signs of Springtime emerge - daffodils, lambs, buds on the trees and made us very happy to be back in Britain at this time of year. We've been on several runs since being back but below are some photos from our run through Wollaton Hall, Gardens and Deer Park in Nottingham where we were treated to close encounters with the deer roaming the park and also Eythrope Park and Gardens in Buckinghamshire......

On the morning
before Dan's brother, Chris' wedding to his fiancee Faye, we got up early to have a run around the wonderful grounds of Wollaton Hall. Dan knows the area well but I've only been to the park a handful of times before and it was a great experience to be running so close to the Park's deer and around the impressive Elizabethan country house which had in 2011 been used in the Batman movie The Dark Knight. Although we didn't have time today, we have been before with Dan's grandparent's to enjoy the Natural History Exhibits inside the Hall.

Staying at my parents house in Stone, near Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, we've had the opportunity to enjoy several runs into the grounds of the Eythrope Estate. It's been particularly nice to be out in the early evening as the light has been fading over the rolling green fields. It's been making us both feel very fortunate once again as to where our bodies can take us if we look after them. Plus having been away for almost 10 months it's allowed us to experience the beauty Britain has to offer with fresh eyes.
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