Lego Motorhome Attacked by Giant Snail Gang!

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Monday, 29 June 2015

Lego Motorhome Attacked by Giant Snail Gang!

After having so much fun strawberry picking in Germany, our intrepid Lego friends decided to go on a walk leaving their motorhome unattended. Little did they know that while they were out a gang of hungry giant snails would go after the remnants of the strawberries on top of their Lego motorhome. Thankfully brave Ali and Dave were able to see off the gang using their canoe paddles. See how the action unfolded below...

The first snail arrives looking non-threatening. Perhaps he wants to race the motorhome....

But no, he's after the strawberry juice on the top. Ali and Dave try and confront him as they return from their walk....

Brave Ali gets up close and personal with their gooey enemy.....

They force him down but then his mates arrive to cause more trouble......

But after some scary moments Ali and Dave see them off, successfully defending their motorhome for another day.

*NB - no snails were harmed in the making of this blog post!! They were highly trained stunt snails!!

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