Meet the Lego Motorhome Adventurers on their first adventure - Strawberry Picking in Germany

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Sunday, 28 June 2015

Meet the Lego Motorhome Adventurers on their first adventure - Strawberry Picking in Germany

When we set sail from the UK early last month we had two extra passengers on board in the form of our new Lego friends in their own Lego motorhome (looking uncannily like a miniature version of our very own Homer), a wonderful gift from our good non-Lego friend Ali. At first they were content to ride on our dashboard and take in the view, but it wasn't long until they started to have adventures of their own as well. We 'll be posting pictures of their adventures alongside our own, but just wanted to introduce Ali and Dave, our new travelling companions.

We never know what they're going to do next and as we've gotten to know our new friends a little better we've come to think of them as our friends, Ali and Dave's, Lego-motorhoming alter egos. It's ironic that Ali originally picked out this gift because they reminded her of us (and yes the guy has ginger hair) but in just a few weeks we've come full circle and, missing our friends, we've come to think of our friends at home whenever little Ali and Dave go on a new adventure.

Here they are having their very first adventure, picking some giant strawberries close to Ulm in Germany.


  1. :D heheeeeeeeee! The pics are awesome! Mini Ali and Mini Dave been having lots of fun! :D xxx

  2. Yes but Mini Dave snores at night! Will have to get Big Dave to teach him some manners!! xx


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